Whole Food Products

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My mother's psoriasis is rapidly disappearing after using Primal DefenseTM for 5 weeks...

As manager of a natural food store, I recommend Primal DefenseTM to my customers for a variety of health disorders, and have seen positive results many times over. Recently, I was witness to a dramatic healing which occurred in my own family. My mother contracted a severe case of psoriasis, and was covered from head to toe in red, itchy blotches. After consulting with several dermatologists who gave her steroids and many hundreds of dollars of prescription salves - still nothing helped to alleviate the condition. I mentioned my mother's problem to a chiropractor friend, who then shared with me some new research findings that suggests a genetic link between psoriasis and Crohn's disease. Based on the favorable reports I'd received from customers specifically about Primal DefenseTM and bowel illnesses, I asked my mom to give it a try. With nothing to lose at that point, she began with one caplet and increased by one each successive week. It has been only 5 weeks, and her psoriasis is rapidly disappearing. Having suffered for more than a year, I am now thrilled to tell you, that the blotchy patches are almost gone, the itching has stopped entirely, and her energy has increased substantially.

-Leslie Caren
Manager of Nature's Market in Vermont

Doctors Health Supply, and its staff
of Doctors, are dedicated to providing
the latest and highest quality of information
on the natural approaches to healing and preventative health maintenance. With this
in mind, we are proud to present the
Garden of Life line of health products.



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Solutions for Healthy Living

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Health and Magnets

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