Whole Food Products

S o w i n g   t h e   S e e d s   o f   H e a l t h        










Hello Mr. Rubin,

I got married six months ago. In the six months away from the home I grew up in, I noticed a downturn in my health. My Dad always cooked at least three vegetables a night for dinner and salad. When I moved out, I was no longer getting those nutrients and my health was paying for it.

I have been taking Primal Defense and Perfect Food for the last three weeks and already I feel so much better. My husband has been taking it along with me. He didn't even know what he was taking, only that it's good for him. Without even knowing what effects these things were supposed to have on him he said, "I just feel so much more energetic" and "I'm now regularly going to the bathroom".

He has lifted weights as long as I have known him but only his muscles got harder. In the last few weeks, I've noticed that they have gotten bigger AND harder. We have taken vitamins together before but they have never had these effects.

As for myself, I am so happy with these products. I finally feel healthy like I did back at my parent's house but even more than I ever have. I have more energy but it not nervous energy like supplements sometimes give. I have natural energy more than I can remember having since I was a child and I'm also sleeping better.

I also haven't been taking my allergy medicine and I am still able to breathe at night. I think my immune system just needed a boost.

Also these supplements don't make me feel nauseous like vitamins do. I have never been able to undertake a vitamin regimen for a long period of time because they make me extremely nauseous with a desire to vomit . My stomach can handle Garden of Life products with no problems!! Additionally, I don't have to worry about chemicals counteracting the effects these products are having because they are all organic!

If these are lasting effects, you have two very happy, lifelong customers right here. For your information, I heard about your products as I was lying on the couch at home sick. I saw you on TLN which is Chicago TV. I know God doesn't want us to feel unhealthy. Thank you for doing His work and thank God for the new health I have found!

- Terese S.

Doctors Health Supply, and its staff
of Doctors, are dedicated to providing
the latest and highest quality of information
on the natural approaches to healing and preventative health maintenance. With this
in mind, we are proud to present the
Garden of Life line of health products.



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