Whole Food Products

S o w i n g   t h e   S e e d s   o f   H e a l t h        










I am 42 years old and have had pain mostly in my legs since I was 35 but the last two years have been pretty unbearable. I finally went to the doctor and had blood tests and everything was fine with the exception of slightly elevated cholesterol (which I already knew about). I had at least 10 tender points and sharp shooting pains in my thighs, arms, collar bone and behind my ears. I was extremely tired and depressed. My doctor put me on antidepressants and a mild arthritis medicine but nothing really helped. I stopped it all and went to the tanning bed for the depression and the warmth felt good on my sore body and the light made me happier but still did not experience any relief from the pain.

I was sharing this with a friend and she said she had something that I should try. She brought me 7 Primal Defense pills from Garden Life and told me to start taking them every morning 30 minutes before I ate and that she had ordered me a bottle because she was sure it would help me.

Well, I'm taking the time to write to let you know that Feb 19, 2002 was the first morning in years that I woke up and didn't feel stiff. I could actually go down the stairs without feeling like I was 95. I had NO pain all day and the next day. I have had some sharp shooting pains in my thighs today but I've only been on this for 3 weeks and have just increased my dosage to 3 a day.

I am so happy and so impressed with this product that I am telling everyone I know.

Thank you,
Deloris P.
Albany, OR

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on the natural approaches to healing and preventative health maintenance. With this
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Garden of Life line of health products.



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